Archive for the ‘web’ Category

iPhone simplifies life…

iPhoneWell, it appears I am going to have a harder time than I anticipated keeping up with this blog thing. Even though I know that everyone else is covering it, I thought I would take a minute to talk iPhone.

First off, I’m not going to try and sell you one. If you want one or have one great. If not that’s great too. I want to talk more about how I’m using my iPhone (1st Gen) to make my life easier. I have a lot of movies. I don’t want to get into an exact number here, but lets just say that when any of my friends want to see a movie they call me first. As such, I am usually foolish enough to loan them out. The problem lately though is I’m starting to forget what has gone where.

So, last week I started developing a simple website to store a list of my movies and a interface to check them out. I knew right away that while a website would make it easy, it would be even easier if I could just use my iPhone. So with that in mind, I started planing every page of the site and thought about making each control work with iPhone.

Now, I could just keep this little gem to myself an laugh at everyone else when they mention need for such a service. But, I have decided to release it into the wild. I am still not sure if I want to make a web site or a native application. Going ahead and fully developing the website would be much simplier for me, since that is what I do, but converting itto a native application opens up way more features for the program to use.

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